Saturday, January 28, 2012

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Super Mario Galaxy 2 is  even more varied, challenging, and fun than its superb predecessor,  making it the new standard for platformers.

The Good

  • Levels have tons of different  objectives, all of them fun                                      
  • New power-ups spice up the  action                                     
  • Later levels offer a sizable  challenge                                     
  • Stunning visuals that are a  marvel to look at                                      
  • Catchy soundtrack that combines  classic Mario songs with new material.                                    
It may be easy to take one look at Super Mario Galaxy 2, see the same  gravity-altering traps and spherical worlds from its predecessor, and  dismiss this as a by-the-numbers sequel to the superb original. But by  assuming you know what to expect from Mario's latest adventure, you  would be doing yourself and this game a great disservice. This is not  only the new standard against which every 3D platformer must now be  judged, but it also seamlessly integrates so many elements from Mario's  2D roots that it stands toe-to-toe with even its genre-defining  progenitors. Every aspect of this game is absolutely bursting with joy.  The vibrant artistic design immediately welcomes you into this colorful  world, and the catchy soundtrack deftly mixes classic tunes with new  compositions to provide the perfect backdrop for your goomba-stomping,  star-snatching fun. But it's the expertly designed levels that will keep  you coming back, even after you've seen everything this game has to  offer, just to experience it one more time. This is an instant classic  that belongs alongside the best games Nintendo has ever created.

Things are once again rotten in the Mushroom Kingdom. Bowser has taken  Princess Peach prisoner for the umpteenth time, forcing Mario to  momentarily put his plumbing gig on hold to rescue his fair lady. The  best thing that can be said about the story is that it mostly stays in  the background. A few lighthearted exchanges between Mario and his foes  precede major battles, but there is only a brief break in the action  before you get back to flinging fireballs and cracking shells. In fact,  Galaxy 2 is much more streamlined than its predecessor. The elaborate  hub world that has appeared in each of Mario's previous 3D adventures  has been scrapped and replaced by an easy-to-navigate map that lets you  hop right into the next level. Galaxy 2 has less downtime than the  original, ensuring you're always engaged and entertained. 

And you'll be happy to jump right into the action because Galaxy 2 is a  long and often challenging adventure. There are lots of different  activities to take part in, but everything comes with the same prize: a  shining star. It takes 70 of these celestial bodies to make it to the  end of the game, but there are many more hidden throughout the universe  waiting to be discovered. No matter what you're doing in Galaxy 2,  everything feels just right, thanks to the ultraprecise controls. It's a  breeze leaping between walls, performing deadly butt-stomps, or jumping  across lava-filled pits. There is an unabashed joy in movement that  makes even running around the colorful worlds and taking in the  uplifting atmosphere feel special. The camera does an admirable job of  framing the action, giving you a clear view even when you're dancing on  the ceiling in a reverse-gravity room or leaping between floating  meteors in space. There are a few times where the angle is less than  ideal, making it difficult to line up an exact jump, but for the most  part, the camera performs its duty with flying colors.

The wealth of different objectives in Galaxy 2 is mind boggling. Just  about every star introduces at least one new mechanic, generating a  truly stunning degree of variety. Whether you're grabbing onto the  talons of a powerful bird, competing in score-based challenges for a  monkey that's wearing sunglasses, or slamming into enemies while ice  skating, you're constantly presented with a new activity. Even though  many of these situations only appear once or twice during the course of  the game, they're all fully fleshed out and incredibly fun. It's really  interesting how varied objectives can be even within the same level. The  first time you enter a level, you may have to zip down a sand slide at  breakneck speed, dodging cactuses and nabbing coins all the while. But  when you enter the level again to try for a different star, you may have  to navigate an underground obstacle course from a side-scrolling  perspective. Because your goals are constantly changing and always at a  high level, Galaxy 2 never gets stale or predictable. 

If the huge variety of goals doesn't sound like a big enough change,  there are also power-ups that further mix things up. One of the few weak  spots in the original Galaxy was a lack of interesting power-ups to  play around with, but that has been rectified here. The most notable  addition is Yoshi, the lovable dinosaur with the prehensile tongue. Once  on this green fellow's back, you can point at enemies or objects with  the remote and swallow them whole. You can snatch up a spiny and then  shoot it like a projectile, inhale a pepper to receive a massive speed  boost, or chow down a bulb to light up hidden pathways. There's also a  power-up that lets Mario roll around like a Goron from the Zelda series,  a special suit that gives you the ability to create clouds in midair,  and a drill for digging through soft dirt. All of these power-ups build  on their most basic functions as you get deeper into the game, forcing  you to look beyond your preconceptions to use them in unique ways. lets try Super Mario Galaxy 2 


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